About Me

I'm an aspiring actor who believes you can't rest entirely on your laurels. I'm on a Media course purely for the reason that you can't put all your eggs in one basket.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Progress so far

So far the leader (Anthony) has explained what the event is all about, and what we'd be doing on the day. Aswell as giving us the low-down on what would be provided for us. The thing we struggled with most (as much as it embarrases me to admit it), was the development of a central idea to weave the project together. Otherwise we were told it was jsut a "publicity video". The team leader has made clear his objectives for this factual programme as highlighted below:

Shot List

When the crew arrive on the sunday this is some of our shots that will be taken.
Prepairing shots.
We are going film the person getting prepaired dramaticly, by filming close ups of tying shoes, putting on jacket, putting on medic bag, hat and cocking gun.

Reenacment shots
Close up of loading a magazine
Long shots
Action shots when poeple are running and shooting


my treatment is
  • What it is our documentary- it is about a middle aged house wife who goes out to WW2 reenactments
  • Where is it - it is at bury
  • How are we going to do it - we are going to start of with a boring everyday house wife who lives at home and cut to snippets of the reenactments to grab audience attention. This should confuse the audience and make them want to know more. And the reenactment will be done in a saving private ryan sort of feel.
  • Why are we doing the documentary- The documentary is to show people that an average evey day person could be interesting
  • When are we shooting - we will be shooting on the 29th of may

top end of railway

There will be plenty of light as it will be outside and there will be no need for electrical assistance.
Meaning there will be no cable left around and nothing pluged in.

There is going to be trains but not as the reenactment is happening so thats good.
There will be an audience so that may disrupt the sound although it shoundn't disrupt to much as there are some load bangs.

The crew know how to get there they are being picked up at 8am and will be taken home at the end of the day.
We all have each others numbers so contact isnt a problem
There is a carpark on sight.
refreshments are available.
and there are public toliets around.


Everyone knows the plan meet at 7.30am at the back of vue and bring waterproofs, food/money
I will have already taken the kit there

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